1. friends
2. evolution
3. long standing inside jokes
4. people who make me laugh
5. funny and awkward situations
6. pizza
7. melba toast
8. not Christianity
9. touching walls as I walk down hallways
10. feta cheese and olives
11. linux
12. technology
13. not intercom systems
14. ridiculous behavior
15. ADD
16. poetry
17. Family Guy
18. The Simpsons
19. Richard Dawkins
20. Connor Gerlitz
21. Feeling accomplished
22. getting good grades
23. the internet
24. observing people and diagnosing them
25. Instant messeging
26. socks
27. my monochromatic wardrobe
28. Greek mythology
29. being alive
30. having sentience
31. thinking existentially and philosophically
32. puzzles
33. texting
34. categorizing
35. making lists
36. people who are ridiculous
37. riding the BUS
38. autism
39. iced tea
40. making people wonder
41. not college apps
42. the number 42
43. primes
44. numbers
45. science (all denominations!)
46. beating Takumi at ping-pong
47. beating everyone at ping-pong
48. winning at mariokart (as mario)
49. climbing things
50. pretending I don't know what's going on.
51. helping people
52. randomness
53. computer stores
54. music, especially good music.
55. the number 55 because it's the 10th number in the Fibonacci sequence and the sum of the first 10 positive integers and because its digits add up to 10. Overall it's the best number for a world based on base 10!!!
56. other nerds (sometimes)
57. words
58. not shaving
59. sleep and going to bed early when I can
60. making fun of religion
61. making fun of extreme political right
62. making fun of dumb people
63. all of the above
64. wearing the same pants everyday
65. lying
66. backyard nature excursions.
67. dystopian novels
68. facebook hahahahhaha...-_-
69. studyhall
70. writing papers and making posters
71. baking cakes
72. mozzerella sticks
73. rubiks cubes
74. lipids, especially triglyerides
75. answering either-or questions with yes or no
76. cause and effect
77. allegories and metaphors
78. duct tape
79. ridiculous sunglasses
80. minds
81. hair
82. being happy
83. judging people
84. Michael Glapa
85. confusing dumb people
86. tormenting my siblings
87. eating
88. being almost done with this list
89. imagining alternate universes where I didn't have to make lists of 100 things I like.
90. getting distracted
91. meeting expectations
92. chapstick
93. times of day where the digital clock reading is the same upside down such as 6:59
94. new shoes
95. haircuts
96. discovering a new band
97. the stars
98. laser pointers
99. cute things
100. fluffernutter sandwiches